Service Project Reports

Donaton to West Taraka Health Center (17/9/11)

September 2011

Health Centers find it very difficult to receive much needed clinical equipment from local Health Authorities. These donations are always very much appreciated by clinic staff.

To view stories and photos of this and other donations please visit DIK Tracking.

Photos taken of this donation can viewed in this Album.

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With more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.

Copyright © 2025 Rotary Club of Lae.

Fundraiser Tidings

Photos from Golf Day 2011

September 2011

The 2011 Rotary Golf day was huge success. Beautiful weather on Independence Day, a full field of players and a good raffle and auction. All due to the generosity and good spirit in the Lae golfing community.

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With more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.

Copyright © 2025 Rotary Club of Lae.

Service Project Reports

Donation – Mrs Maluo Waramb (14/9/11)

September 2011

I have been in contact with ANGAU hospital through Physiotherapy about getting a walking frame for my mum. No luck there. She is willing, but still unable to walk unassisted following a bout of Potts Disease. Her situation has improved since she left hospital; however continued use of her legs on a daily basis is a must for her to get on her feet.

To view stories and photos of this and other donations please visit DIK Tracking.

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With more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.

Copyright © 2025 Rotary Club of Lae.

Service Project Reports

Donaton to Situm Health Center (10/9/11)

September 2011

Distribution of medical equipment from DIK program matching up for our monthly community projects

To view stories and photos of this and other donations please visit DIK Tracking.

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With more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.

Copyright © 2025 Rotary Club of Lae.

Service Project Reports

Donaton to Liberty Church (Late July)

September 2011

Pastor Jacob runs youth services for many unemployed youths in the Boundary Road, Eriku, 2 Mile, Nawae Compound areas of Lae and requested IT support for his office to continue to do so.

To view stories and photos of this and other donations please visit DIK Tracking.

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With more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.

Copyright © 2025 Rotary Club of Lae.

Service Project Reports

Donaton to Buimo Resident (7/9/11)

September 2011

Alberts Mum had a stroke 2 years ago and is still going through Physical Therapy and unable to move around her self – she has to keep borrowing an elbow crutch which does not work so well. This walker will help her mobility in getting around as well as her therapy.

To view stories and photos of this and other donations please visit DIK Tracking.

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With more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.

Copyright © 2025 Rotary Club of Lae.

From the President's Desk

President’s Message – September 2011

September 2011


A quick “toksave” if I may:


  • To those members continuing to work extremely hard to push through the backlog of donated goods from the DIK program. In a few short months the Club has got a much better handle on what donated goods it has under its control and a system for linking them to recipients. There has been a massive effort put in to ensure that our Club is meeting its governance obligations with stakeholders in this program too. Look at the photo’s on our website and see for yourself the numerous small but meaningful donations completed so far. Most importantly, please get involved where you can and encourage a few of your staff too. Getting hands on with donations is a great way to understand and appreciate the powerful work that Rotary does. Great work by those involved in last Saturday’s Community Chest at Buimo Road Clinic!
  • To those members who have identified prospective new members and brought them along to the club meetings as a guest this past month. Please complete the form I handed out on Tuesday night and return to me as soon as you can. The next Board meeting will assess those membership applications. Many hands make light work. Please continue to invite your guests along meanwhile.
  • To Treasurer Dennis for sorting out Club bank account, old invoices and the latest financial statement for the Club.
  • For the continuing improvement to our website. Despite the “Best Website” award, Rob (with his webmaster hat on) continues to improve our website so it is user friendly and a great platform to promote the club from. Please make it your ‘home page’ and register to keep abreast of activities. I find the Club Calendar very handy. Don’t forget it is easy to link into Rotary e-club 1 from our website if you are on the road and need to do a make up meeting.

Annual Charity Golf Day

Our next fundraiser occurs on Friday the 16th September at the Lae Golf Club – just 2 weeks away TODAY!!! Thanks to the golf day committee (now including PP Chris Wakelin) who are working away behind the scenes to bring this event together. Luckily we have the support of the ‘style council’ (rotary partners) again too. Yes, we lost Digicel as a major sponsor this time around but there is still plenty of support and plenty of interest. Please claim the date and be available to help out just prior and on the day. Please promote the golf day to your friends and colleagues over the coming weekend and or contact Steve, Buddy, Chris Wakelin or myself if you can help.

New Generations

New Generations Service, the fifth Avenue of Service, recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities, involvement in community and international service projects, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding.

As you know, we have incorporated this into our three year Club Leadership Plan* and a number of 2011-12 our projects. Two examples are – the Category C Schools project and identification of a young person for Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA).

Over the three year course of the Club Leadership Plan we have also committed to:

  • developing a schools-based program for educating young people about Rotary; and
  • developing a Rotaract Club for 18-30 year olds.

Would the Chairs of the relevant Club Committees and Project Leaders accountable for the abovementioned projects and programs please give focus now and commence actions towards achieving these. Our Paul Harris Fellow Aihi Miria is showing the way with the Category C Schools project and has commenced his planning and communications for this project. Think outside the square and also remember that we may be able to utilize project partners, including with our sister club, Huon Gulf on some of this.

* the Club Leadership Plan was emailed to all members and is also in the members section of our website, under the resources subsection.

Morobe Show – Partnering with RC Huon Gulf

On the subject of partnering with Huon Gulf RC, we have a fundraising project together for the 50th Annual Morobe Show in October. This is about 6 weeks away and no doubt they will be in contact with us shortly for this.

Have a great weekend.

Yours in Rotary,

Anthony Whitfield
President 2011-2012
Rotary Club of Lae Inc

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With more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.

Copyright © 2025 Rotary Club of Lae.