President’s Message – August 2011


I write to advise that member feedback shows we have an adopted Club Leadership Plan 2011-14. Congratulations all! Great team effort.

A lot of consideration and thought has gone into the plan and even more effort since in ensuring we have a great start to the year, including:

  • DIK containers are being dealt with in a professional and efficient manner;
  • Friends of Rotary volunteers & community partners are being engaged with on projects;
  • 2011/12 Service Project goals being scoped and planned for commencement;
  • Terrific levels of Public Awareness in the Post Courier;
  • The most successful ball fundraiser the club has ever had;
  • Recognition of our website as the best in the whole district;
  • Sponsors lining up to partner with us;
  • Planning for the Golf Day fundraiser commenced.

Even though that’s an impressive list, there is more. Please keep a balance with work and home life though. Manage your time so everybody is happy, most especially you!

August is Membership and Extension Month for Rotary International and as you know I’ve been emphasizing at our weekly meetings the very great need to bring new members through the doors. Next Tuesday I intend to bring the form work that sets out the clubs process for membership.

Meanwhile, please think to ask the people whom you might have had along as a guest on a couple of occasions (Lyndon Taitare, Major Lindsay Brown, Enoch etc.) and also anybody else that you have approached recently who you think would be a good contributor to the Rotary Club. This is the month to get a few more bodies in the door. Please advise Secretary Rob in advance of the meeting.

Why is it time for new members? Because we have this adopted plan to execute now.

And it makes sense to. For example, we are doing literacy projects at schools but have no teachers/lecturers as members. We are supporting clinics and the hospital but have no doctors or nurses as members. Our Treasurer needs to have the support of some other number crunchers, so we need a CPA or 2! Our webmaster guru must begin the search for others who are IT savvy! Larry has a big burden to share with a willing person….20ft of it at a time. Seeing that picture of Mark Flewin (our DIK coordinator) after emptying that container last weekend I know he needs help!! Rupert has a lot of skills to share with young professionals, Barry and Cesar are eager to develop the ideas we have about vocational projects into something really significant for Lae. And last but definitely not least half the population in Lae are women….but we have no women in the club at present!!

So lets bring other good people in to help us.

If you feel you need information to pass to a prospective member, please use our great website as a reference point or the website has plenty of resources or contact any of the club executive and we will be happy to email something or provide a hardcopy.

Have a great weekend. Tomorrow morning I am handing over the 3 computers I was granted on Tuesday night to the Liberty Baptist Church toward their youth programs. Give me a call or email if you want to join in the fun of a handover of goods. Mark also has things happening.



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